Miss Chatterbox

All About Preschool: Enrolling, Adjusting, and Choosing

Is your kiddo entering preschool this school year? Are you on the fence about enrolling your child? Don’t know which preschool to choose? We’ve found some great websites and articles to prep you and answer your preschool questions! 

To preschool or not preschool?

Not sure if you should enroll in preschool? Think about potty training, promoting independence, and getting your kiddos ready for school in the future! Parents.com has a great article by Anne Zachry about why preschool is a great choice for kids! She expresses that it teaches new skills and prepares them for the coming school years. We love that Zachry also talks about how preschool is beneficial for communication and developing social skills!

Growth, growth, growth!  GreatSchools.org is another awesome article that will give you some important reasons why you should enroll your kiddo in preschool! They make some great points regarding the focus of bettering skills and promoting social and emotional development. They also discuss that preschool is an excellent way to give your child more independence by giving them the opportunity to make their own choices!     

How do we adjust to preschool?

Nervous about the transition? KidsHealth.org offers a great perspective on adjusting to preschool. They understand that preschool is a big change, and can be scary or confusing for some kiddos. Get your child used to the idea of going to preschool! Ease them into it so they know what to expect, and turn the unfamiliar into familiar! Your kiddo’s teacher is a big resource that you shouldn’t overlook – they’re used to it, and will be happy to help! This article offers up some tips on how to ease the transition and make their first day count!   

ZerotoThree.org is also all about preparing for preschool, and has awesome tips and tricks to get your little one ready! We love that they suggest using books and play to get toddlers ready for the transition. Using play and other resources to get your little one familiar with the idea of preschool will be a powerful tool in making the transition into preschool fun and natural. This article even offers a super helpful timeline for you to try out!    

How do I choose the right one?

 GreatSchools.org wants to make sure you pick the right fit for you and your child! Want to know what’s important when looking for a great preschool? Look no further than this smart list that provides questions to consider and why they’re important. They talk teachers, making smart choices for your family, meeting the needs of your child, parental involvement, and more!